Pipe Fabrication Workflow: From Design to Assembly
Learn the complete pipe fabrication workflow, from design to assembly. Look into processes, components, best practices, and modern innovations in fabrication.
Fitting phase is where the different components are attached together. This is the first production phase where object of the work is the entire spool instead of individual components.
Typical challenge for fitting work is the collection of all the required components. Major portion of fitters working time can be spent on material hunting instead of the demanding fitting work.
In an ideal case all the components are at the pipe fitters work station before he/she starts the work. Additionally the fitter needs to have the isometric drawing in order to see how the components are supposed to be attached together. PipeCloud enables separate component picking work orders, which enables the usage of logistic personnel utilisation for the material picking work instead of the fitter.
Fitting phase is where the different components are attached together. This is the first production phase where object of the work is the entire spool instead of individual components.
In PipeCloud’s Fitting bundle view the material tab shows what material components are required to perform the bundles fitting work. Materials can be grouped either by material type or by spool. This is handy when you want to check that you have everything you need.
Fitting worker work order view
Fitting bundle material requirement
Learn the complete pipe fabrication workflow, from design to assembly. Look into processes, components, best practices, and modern innovations in fabrication.
“You can easily see that all the preconditions are ready for fitting. PipeCloud shows you the status of all the previous work phases, so you don’t have to run around the factory with papers”